I am frequently encouraging my clients to drink more water. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, cramps and fatigue, and when we're stressed and caught up in the busyness of modern life it's easy to forget to properly hydrate ourselves.
Water and the body
It's important to drink water before and after a massage treatment. Massage is dehydrating; when you move and manipulate the muscles (like when exercising), fluid passes out of the soft tissues and into the circulatory system.
If you are hydrated before a massage, it makes deep tissue work more comfortable as the muscles are easier to manipulate. Hydrated muscles are also less likely to be sore during and after the treatment.
Water is the basis of a strong and healthy body. It fuels your muscles, helps to carry nutrients around your body and reduces the possibility of headaches and cramping.
Being hydrated helps to keep your joints lubricated and flexible. The Synovial fluid, that directly lubricates and reduces the friction in your joints, is made up primarily of water.
Water aids kidney function by removing waste from the blood via urine, and it keeps the blood vessels open.
Top tips for drinking more water
It's recommended that we drink between 2-3 litres per day, depending on our bodies and environment. However, it is easy to forget to drink enough.
Drinking more water can be achieved by adjusting existing habits, setting reminders and thinking ahead.
Some tips for increasing your water intake:
Fill up a large bottle of water at the start of the day so you have a visual goal of how much you want to drink.
Drink warm water. Some people find warm or hot water easier to drink. Try adding a slice of lemon to hot water in the morning to enjoy some vitamin C - which is great for supporting your immune system.
Keep a glass of water by your bed so you have an accessible drink in the morning.
Stack a habit of drinking a glass of water onto an existing daily habit. For example, having a glass after brushing your teeth, whilst waiting for the kettle to boil or as you sit down for a meal.
Think about your glass size, will you drink more if it's there? I've now put out a larger glass for my evening meal and find I naturally get through more water that way. Also, you could have a jug of water on your table at dinner for ease.
Have a reminder on your phone or a post-it note on your bathroom mirror to give you a friendly reminder throughout the day.
Taking a reusable water bottle out with you is a guaranteed way to keep dehydration at bay. Many shops and restaurants have the Refill Water sign in their window which is a national scheme to provide free tap water to the general public and to reduce plastic waste.
Drinking more water is a quick and simple way to improve our wellbeing. Before a massage, it's important to hydrate so that muscles are easier to manipulate and the body is less likely to be sore during and after the treatment. After a massage, it's beneficial to drink water to support the recovery of muscles, avoid headaches and improve our overall health.